Find and retain profitable clients
Design strategies based on beaton’s unique research:
Buyer behaviour at each stage of buyer cycle - converting awareness to consideration, to use, to most use
What clients value
Why a client will select a more expensive firm
What clients expect as excellent service
How service excellence leads to loyalty, repeat purchase, referrals (NPS) and higher profits
beaton helps firms develop BD, CRM and client programs, and we work with principals to build confidence and competence to win work and grow client relationships.
We use our research to inform our approach and our hands-on experience of working with principals across the professions to get results.

"If you’re competitor-focused, you have to wait until there is a competitor doing something. Being customer-focused allows you to be more pioneering"
Our services include:

Design of client programs

Client relationship partner

Client service excellence programs

Best practice CRM workshops

Business development workshops
Price for client satisfaction and profitability

“FB Rice engaged beaton to assist the firm in pricing our services. This has led to a sea change in how our attorneys engage in pricing discussions with clients and in their understanding of the value they deliver to clients. We have used the teachings and adopted what for us were novel approaches to engage with and win new client work in circumstances where this would likely not have occurred in the past”
Strategy and negotiation training based on beaton’s unique research:
Understanding the drivers of what clients perceive as value
Optimising pricing strategy for profitability
Managing the trade-offs between top line growth and profit growth
Where and how to maximise price-setting discretion
Communicating value and negotiating price
Monetising scope creep
Pricing and negotiation is one of the major strategic and commercial challenges faced by professional services firms.
beaton works with firms to optimise their pricing strategy and execution delivering immediate ROI. Our approach combines research on value and pricing, with our experience of client communication and the financial/ operational aspects of pricing.
Our services include:

Defining your firm's value proposition

Briefing, scoping and pricing workshops

Development of pricing strategy

Negotiating price and discounts workshops

Monetising scope creep workshops
Strategic levers of profitable growth
Where and how to find profitable growth opportunities based on beaton’s unique research:
Which market segments and clients are the most attractive for you?
Product and service offering, what are you good at? Where does your expertise lie?
Optimal pricing strategies, managing scope creep and variations
Effective client engagement to generate future business
Headcount balanced with future workload
Effective expenditure management – what really matters
Client systems that support your business
Most market segments in professional services are mature and hyper-competitive and many are commoditising.
beaton works with firms to build a portfolio of client sectors and service lines that offer profitable growth either through differentiated specialisations with premium pricing or through super-efficient business models to capture profit through volume.

“Working with a beaton partner opened our minds to how to approach finding fresh ways of growing our profits sustainably; we have never looked back”
Our services include:
Evidence-based keynote addresses

Finding strategic opportunities for your firm

Executive briefings on the market
Practical steps to a better business strategy

“For the last year we have worked across our Australian offices with beaton to improve the way we negotiate the price of our services and communicate value to our clients. This investment was initially motivated by seeing our position on the beatonbenchmarks fair value line. We are already deriving benefits and expect the benefits to grow and be sustained”
Formulation and execution drawing on beaton’s unique experience across hundreds of firms in B2B professional services:
Driving a shared vision and creating values
Choosing the ‘right’ clients
Culture + Clients = Cash
Key profit drivers
Process re-engineering for better CX and efficiency
Keys to converting good intention into effective action
On the one hand, professional services firms are relatively straightforward businesses to run. On the other hand, the advent of disruptive new business models and technologies and the conservative culture of most firms makes change a challenge.
That’s why relying on nearly 150 years of experience in beaton’s partners helps firm formulate and execute smarter strategies.
Our services include:

Diagnosing business performance

Facilitating leadership and planning conferences

Guiding strategy implementation
Maximise partner performance
Leverage beaton’s unique experience in over 100 partnerships of all sizes to improve the way partners’ performance is sustainably enhanced:
Growing the profit pie is the first priority
Splitting the pie equitably is also the first priority
Balancing contribution and reward transparently
Setting performance standards and KPIs
Tailoring KPIs to play the strengths of each partner
Creating a harmonious social contract among partners
An integrated performance management and trusted reward system are key to driving a high-performance culture and superior outcomes in firms.
The objectives of an effective system are to ensure execution of strategy and growth and fair division of profit. This is particularly important as firms deal with succession and generational change.

“Since the consultation and series of workshops with an experienced beaton partner, our partnership of 15 hasn’t looked back. We are happier, more productive, better team players and making more profit. And, what’s more it’s rubbing off on our staff and clients”
Our services include:

Designing performance management systems

Workshops to clarify performance expectations