Market insights
Hear the voice of the market and act on the needs of your prospective clients
Differentiate from your competitors by getting access to the latest data on trends in client preferences and opportunities in the marketplace

Research reports
This research contains market-level data that is written from the perspective of your clients. Each report focuses on a topic of immediate strategic importance and contains interpreted insights into typical clients’ and prospects’ needs, the drivers of their buying behaviour and satisfaction with the value they receive from professional service firms.
Reports are available in the following professions:
Accounting and consulting services
Built Environment and consulting engineering services
Law and related services
Actionable insights
Implement effective strategies based on hard evidence and out-compete your rivals
This research is designed in close collaboration with partner professional services firms to maximise the value of the reports. These firms had input into the topic and questionnaire and helped interpret findings in a series of workshops with beaton

Hot topics of direct relevance to firms and clients

Lead the pack by acting before competitors recognise the opportunities even exist
beaton identifies research topics for these reports by observing trends in our tracking data. Collected over 15 years and across thousands of clients of professional services, these movements (or lack thereof) represent unmet needs of clients - will your firm be the first to respond?
Representative of the market
Target your strategies and investments at the right segments in the market
beaton collaborates with enough firms on each report to ensure that a relevant cross-section of the market is captured in the data. Insights come from both decision-makers and the face-to-face contacts in client organisations
From the Client-led Innovation in Legal Services report

Get your firm involved
beaton is seeking more partner firms with which to collaborate on future reports. Being a partner firm means you have input into the topics that beaton researches and reports, get early previews of the data and help shape the interpretation, all at a cost-effective price point.
If there are hot topics of strategic interest to your firms that would benefit from the independent perspective of the marketplace, contact us via with your interest and one of our account managers will get in touch.
Know your target market, inform your strategy with data and satisfy your clients' needs