Insights to help your firm grow profitably

Performance drivers
How your firm performs on what's most important

Net Promoter Score
The competitiveness of your firm's NPS

How your firm compares with close competitors

Your pricing
Your pricing and service against fair value

How to grow
What you can do to increase share of wallet

"I have long been a fan of the Client Choice Awards and the many benefits the Awards process and resulting feedback provide to the clients of professional services firms and to the firms themselves. When I heard that beaton, with the support of Consult Australia, is now bringing these Awards to firms of all sizes in all built environment professions, I immediately entered our firm, Integral Group Consulting Engineers. Not only do we hope to reach the finals and win, more importantly we look forward to receiving the high calibre client feedback reports that beaton will be producing for all firms that enter."
Andrew Mather, Managing Director: ANZ, Integral Group Consulting Engineers
Your competitive landscape

Compare your Overall client service & NPS
Performance trends
Track performance in key attributes over time, measuring the effectiveness of your improvement programs and monitoring your competitiveness

Pricing intelligence

Map your pricing position against other firms in your profession to assess your price-setting discretion

"We can't improve what we don't ourselves measure and beaton’s research provides us with the evidence and measures. Every business that wants to improve customer service needs this benchmarking.”
Ralph Fouche, Marketing and Sales Director, Australia/New Zealand, Stantec