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Paul Hugh Jones
Oct 26, 2015
The three things that create value for clients
The three things that create value for clients jumped out at me during the excellent 2015 APSMA conference 'Reframe the future' in Sydney...

George Beaton
Aug 8, 2015
Why haven’t we done something about our pricing sooner?
There's no excuse for the professional services lament: "Why haven’t we done something about our pricing sooner?" Delegates from all over...

George Beaton
Apr 7, 2015
Here's how to help your clients cross-buy
Helping clients cross-buy is one sure way to grow organically in a stagnant market. Yet so few firms recognise the opportunity. The chart...

George Beaton
Sep 22, 2014
What's the premium in your firm's brand?
Flying across Lake Michigan to land at O'Hare airport today, I was recalling what I know about Chicago. One thought led to another and...

George Beaton
Jul 28, 2014
Price is positively correlated with the value perceived by clients
beaton's research amongst 10,000s of clients of professional services firms over the last 10 years shows that perceived price is...
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