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Five ways beatonbenchmarks value proposition is better than ever (with video)

George Beaton

In five important ways the beatonbenchmarks value proposition is better than ever.


Each year in Australia and New Zealand accountancy, consulting engineering, law, IP, and management consulting firms and their clients benefit by subscribing to beatonbenchmarks. In 2017, as a result of further improvement and innovation, we expect the number to grow.

Here's what beaton is doing that makes us confident the beatonbenchmarks value proposition is going to be better than ever for both firms and their clients. Over the past few months, the beaton team has listened to how to analyse, report, and present our findings in ever-more insightful and actionable ways for c-suite executives.

Improved beatonbenchmarks value proposition

The result? We have improved the way we conduct our research and produce the reports to lower the cost. Here's taste of what we offer.

Tailored for the c-suite

1. An improved way of presenting your beatonbenchmarks results in an Executive Report or Executive Plus Report, specifically tailored for your firm's c-suite.

Integrated reporting

2. Each reports is an integrated whole. The section on how to Win More Work (i.e. how well your firm's brand is working to attract new work to you) flows into the section on how to Retain & Grow Your Clients (i.e. what you need to do to deliver more value to your current clients).

Firms choose their own additional modules

3. To the Executive Reports, we can now readily add carefully chosen modules to meet your specific strategic needs. Think of this as a menu, where you select what will work best for you. For example:

  • Track your firm's brand position, business development effectiveness, and/or your performance as assessed by your clients over the last 4 years (or longer if this is helpful) to gauge the impact of strategic initiatives you have put in place. As close to measuring true ROI as you are likely to get!

  • Benchmark your firm's performance against your closest competitors in depth and only on the things that matter most to your clients. Know your closest competitors with greater certainty - and what you have to do to defend your client base and market share – or increase your own share of your target market.

  • By analysis of their verbatim comments, provide rich insights into your clients' thoughts and feelings about the client service experience they receive from you.

  • Undertake customised analyses exclusive to your firm and your strategy. Here the only limits are our collective imaginations and the availability of data from the survey. You could get answers to questions like 'In buying infrastructure-related services, in what ways do public sector clients differ from those in the private sector?' or 'Find practical ways our practitioners can change their behaviour to demonstrate a deeper understanding of their clients' businesses'.

Implementation guidance

4. Beaton is now able to offer all beatonbenchmarks subscribers a senior implementation guidance service in all major centres of Australia and New Zealand. Our Partners all have c-suite experience in professional services firms and many years of advisory and consulting work, on which they base their ability to assist you in implementing your strategies based on beatonbenchmarks insights.

Reduced cost

5. Comparing like with like, we have reduced the cost to our clients of subscribing to beatonbenchmarks. This has been possible by re-engineering processes and eliminating 'nice-to-know' sections of the reporting. We're not discounting beatonbenchmarks; to do so would contrary to the principles we believe our clients should be practising! Rather we've simultaneously improved the value proposition and the manufacturing process, creating a true win-win. That's why beatonbenchmarks is now better than ever.

Calls to Action

1> Watch this short video to learn how the value proposition of beatonbenchmarks has been improved.

2> Read this technical note by Irene Rix on the improvements to the manufacturing processes used for beatonbenchmarks.


This post was written by George Beaton, a partner in beaton. George is also on LinkedIn and tweets at @grbeaton_law, @grbeaton_psf and @NewLawNewRules.


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