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Special Report: Market perceptions of IP firms listing on the ASX

Ben Farrow

Report: Our special report into client and market perceptions of public ownership of specialist intellectual property firms is now available for purchase.


The report draws upon the views of 143 domestic and international clients of IP firms. Respondents were surveyed over a two-week period in March 2017.

The report’s findings have important implications for IP firms. In particular, firms who are considering listing, or who have recently listed, will find it compelling reading.


We found that more than half of clients are unaware of the ownership status of their firms. It is unclear whether this reflects time in the market, poor communication from firms or a lack of interest from clients.

Additionally, the report includes client and associate opinions on specific issues including value, shareholder and client interests, and strength of listing firms.


As of February 2017, nine IP specialist firms are owned by three Australian publicly listed companies: IPH Limited, Xenith IP Group Limited and QANTM IP Limited. According to Patentology, companies deliver just under half of all patent services to Australian companies and individuals.

Media mentions and anecdote suggest that some users of patent and trademark attorneys are concerned about the impact of stock exchange listing on the value and price of IP services. However, there is little or no mention of ASX listing by IP firms on websites of the Institute of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, IP Australia or the Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board.

Beaton Research + Consulting undertook this survey to investigate how users of specialist IP firms view public ownership of firms and the impact of a change of ownership on users’ perceptions of service, quality, value and price.

Order a copy

To secure your firm’s copy of the report, email Ben Farrow at


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