5 reasons your firm can't OD on client feedback

Today's 5 reasons your firm can't OD on client feedback heralds the last few weeks left to grab the biggest opportunity ever for professional services firms of all sizes in Australia and New Zealand.
Make sure your firm enters and get the best possible feedback from your clients. There's an old saying: A firm can't OD on client feedback. It's true!
beaton’s client surveys and related client-judged awards continues to improve using cyber-secure technology. Here are five reasons to get client feedback via our range of Awards:
Improve your clients' overall satisfaction and your firm's competitiveness
Improve the value your firm delivers to clients, without offering discounts
Assess your firm's degree of price-setting discretion and know whether you're leaving money on the table
Lift staff morale and esprit de’corps and the number of times you get thanked by clients
And as a bonus, be in with a chance to win an Award – and signal to client and talent markets just how good your firm really is.
Through beaton and FirmChecker (our sister company) we now cater for a wider spectrum of firms from the biggest to the smallest in these categories:
Larger Law, IP, Accounting and Consulting firms;
Firms of all sizes in the built environment: Consulting Engineering, Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Project Management, Planning and Environmental Science; and
Medium-small Accounting and Law firms.
Entries for these Awards and the opportunity to get client feedback close in the next few weeks.
Entering is easy and gives you the opportunity for authentic feedback from your clients. The entry fee is modest. The opportunities are unique.
Click here for the one-stop entry point to all categories.