3in30, beaton's new webinar series
For those who follow beaton on social media, you will have seen us make a series of exciting announcements over the past few weeks, including the appointment of two new beaton Partners, the Finalists in the 2021 Client Choice Awards and the launch of our new webinar series.
3in30 is a series of lunch-sized webinars with a simple promise: You will walk away with 3 actionable insights after investing 30 minutes of your time. Hence, 3in30.
These insights may take the form of three bold ideas to inform your firm's strategy, three probing questions to ask your team or three data-points to reflect upon and compare with your own firm’s experience.
Each episode will be hosted by one of our Partners, contain exclusive beaton data and share market-leading advice and experience from our expert panels.
Our next episode is called ‘A firm’s culture and its CX are two sides of the same coin’. We go live 3rd March 2021 at 1pm AEDT.
This episode’s host, Jon Huxley, will be joined by Amanda Lee, Head of Business Development and Marketing at ShineWing Australia and Michael McGlynn, Head of Marketing & Communications at Tonkin + Taylor, New Zealand.
Visit the link to register now! Slides will be available only to those who register, so will recordings.
Thanks to the nearly 100 viewers who attended our inaugural episode, ‘Value is a two way street’ (watch below). This episode’s host, George Beaton, was joined by our expert panel: Litsa Christodulou, Partner, Business Advisory Services at HLB Mann Judd and Sarah Caruana, Group Director - Buildings & Places, Victoria, South Australia & Tasmania at AECOM.
Thank you Litsa and Sarah for your valuable contributions and for being our very first 3in30 guests!
Watch the first episode below:

Shanan Kan is beaton's Operations Manager and Senior Research, overseeing the beatoncompass reports on trending topics using clients’ insights to inform firms’ strategies. Shanan is the producer of the 3in30 webinars. With a background in psychology, his passions include UX, gameful design and data communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn or reach out on Twitter @ShananKan