Recapping Season One of 3in30
If beaton’s 2020 journey can be described as ‘change for continuity’ as we all adapted to remote working, then the first half of 2021 should be described as ‘change for transformation’ as we leveraged the advantages of technology to bring in new and better ways of engaging virtually with our clients and markets.
Some of the significant milestones and stats of 2021 include:
The appointment of two new Partners to the beaton team. We now have a team of eight experienced advisors servicing all professional services firms across Australia and New Zealand
A virtual Client Choice Awards, where we adjudicated 64 award categories using over 17,700 client ratings – and we’re hotting up the pace with entries for the 2022 Awards are now open!
The inaugural Client Choice Festival, an online celebration of excellence and thought leadership in professional services, with 384 delegates
The launch of the first season of 3in30, our new webinar series; over six episodes more than 9,600 minutes of content were watched!
3in30 is a series of lunch-sized webinars with a simple promise: You will walk away with 3 actionable insights after investing 30 minutes of your time. Hence, 3in30.
These insights took the form of three bold ideas to inform your firm’s strategy, three probing questions to ask your team or three data-points to reflect upon and compare with your own firm’s experience.
Our first season was a roaring success! Thank you to our audience for their support of this data-driven webinar series with a difference.
Thank you also to our valued guests who appeared and shared their experience with our audience: Litsa Christodulou (HLB Mann Judd), Sarah Caruana (AECOM), Amanda Lee (SW Australia), Michael McGlynn (Tonkin + Taylor), Fraser McNaughton (Grant Thornton Australia), Sam Nickless (Gilbert + Tobin), Renae Lattey (King & Wood Mallesons), Ralph Fouche (Stantec), Anna Bertram (NAB), Angus Smith (RSM Australia) and Linda Tapiolas (Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers).
If you have missed an episode, each one is noted below, including the charts that inspired the discussion.
Please look forward to season 2 of 3in30!
Episode 1: Value is a two-way street
Join George Beaton, Litsa Christodulou (HLB Mann Judd) and Sarah Caruana (AECOM) and their conversation about what it means to deliver value to clients and its implications for your firm’s profitability.
Download slides here.
Episode 2: A firm’s culture and its CX are two sides of the same coin
Join Jon Huxley, Amanda Lee (SW Australia) and Michael McGlynn (Tonkin + Taylor) and their conversation about the role that culture and employee experience play in a firm’s ability to deliver on its client experience or CX.
Download slides here.
Episode 3: Turbulence in professional services will intensify: How to win in a rapidly changing world
Join Paul Bonomy, Fraser McNaughton (Grant Thornton Australia) and Sam Nickless (Gilbert + Tobin) and their conversation about the trends and pressures facing firms’ strategies and business models.
Download slides here.
Episode 4: How to sustain superior CX
Join Paul Hugh-Jones, Renae Lattey (King & Wood Mallesons) and Ralph Fouche (Stantec) as they discuss their CX initiatives and what needs to be done to maximise success and create sustainability.
Download slides here.
Episode 5: How the banker-accountant-lawyer trinity maximises value to clients of professional services firms
Join David Goener, Anna Bertram (NAB), Angus Smith (RSM Australia) and Linda Tapiolas (Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers) as they explore how they each play a part in and collaborate in delivering value to clients.
Download slides here.
Episode 6: The dangers of discounting and what to do instead
Join an expert beaton panel as George Beaton, Libby Maynard and John Clay explore the constructive options firms have in responding to price-down and more-for-less pressures from clients.
Download slides here.

Shanan Kan is beaton's Operations Manager and Senior Research, overseeing the beatoncompass reports on trending topics using clients’ insights to inform firms’ strategies. Shanan is the producer of the 3in30 webinars. With a background in psychology, his passions include UX, gameful design and data communication. Connect with him on LinkedIn or reach out on Twitter @ShananKan